Tuesday, November 14, 2006


tabs are making my life easier

So I'm in the FAC today and I'm trying to research election results for one class, write a book report for another, and I'm doing research for this class - when it hit me. Tabs are making my life easier. I never realized it but I almost abuse the tab feature in FireFox. And to think I was ok with 6 versions of IE without them. Hell I can even push the scroll wheel and viola - instant tab.

I was multi-tasking so many things at once that on one hand I was being really productive given what time I had. On the other hand I have no doubt the quality of my work suffered a little. I was opening tabs faster than I could close them. I feel like my online need to multi-task is only strengthening my "ADD condition" in the real world that I share with every other student enrolled in college. When do you start slowing down and take one task at a time? Sooner or later everything is just going to run together making concentration and focus impossible

I was thinking and I wouldn't be surpsied at all if conditions start forming due to even new online habits like something as simple as tabs. Much like the RSI case in the book, technology is enabling us to do so much more but when does that stop being a good thing? Typing so quickly and often that you develope a condition? Having so many windows open that you are clicking, typing, and scrolling frantically - could a condition arise from this?

Perfect example: number of tabs open right now - 5
other applications currently running and in full use: iTunes, AIM, Word (important paper), Ares

How can be produce quality when all we want is everything here and NOW!?

this guy knows what I'm talking about... kinda... http://www.anomaly.org/wade/blog/2005/08/more_human_multitasking.html

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